Major Milestones Achieved
• On June 2, 2014, welding began in the Modular Assembly Building to assemble the first sub-modules that make up structural module, CA01. CA01 is the steam generator and refueling canal module.
• On June 2, 2014, above-ground construction began in the new onsite switchyard area with the start of the Unit 3 Reserve Auxiliary Transformer B 230kV line and elevated structural support work.
•2014年6月2日,現場新開關站區域開始地面施工,#3機組備用付諸變壓器B 230KV線路和高架結構支撐工作開工。
• On June 23, 2014, the Unit 3 nuclear island concrete placement to elevation 82 feet 6 inches under the Containment Vessel Bottom Head was completed. This concrete placement is a significant step towards completing concrete placements in the Unit 3 nuclear island to elevation 100 feet, which will allow for shield building construction to begin.
Overall Facility Status
• Major construction activities continue including: auxiliary building construction, containment vessel assembly and installation, turbine building foundation, steel erection, and equipment installation, construction of permanent support buildings, cooling tower construction, raw water intake structure preparation, switchyard modifications and new transmission installation. Fabrication and assembly of structural modules, major components and bulk commodities to support construction are ongoing.
• The Company is still in litigation with the Contractor per the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Agreement to determine which party is responsible for certain delays in the project schedule. The Company’s uncompromising focus continues to be on quality and safety of the Project as decisions are made concerning schedule and cost.
• The Facility represents the best economic value over available alternatives today for providing safe, reliable, clean, affordable electricity to Georgians for at least 60 years
圖3 項目總建設和財務費用(單位千瓦投資進度,截至2014年6月30日)
圖4 Vogtle現場照片(2014年5月3日)
圖4為2014年5月3日#3機組的現場照片(與V.C Summer #2機組2014年2月份現場照片形象相仿)。
1、從5月份的工程現場照片看,進展應該延誤較多;核能街區網站6月初的新聞顯示Vogtle擴建項目工程(里程碑)計劃完成了近56%,相比Summer而言進度滯后比較多(基本同期開工的V.C Summer去年年底已經達到65.1%,),由于缺乏Vogtle具體的里程碑計劃及具體完成情況,相關原因需要再進一步分析。
3、根據PSC的投資計算,按照南方核能45.7%的股權,預期造價將達到147.9億美元(原來預算額為140億美元),測算出的單位千瓦造價為6700美元/千瓦。美國《電力雜志》的另外一篇文章(http://www.powermag.com/report-compares-and-contrasts-owners-of-new-nuclear-plants/)引用了穆迪公司6月9日發布的一份研究成果,VC Summer AP1000單位千瓦造價將達到8300美元/千瓦。
博主注:Vogtle核電站是美國開工的第二座AP1000項目,本文第一部分內容來自于Vogtle業主披露的2014年2季度工程情況的公開資料翻譯而成,第二部分內容為博主根據國內項目以及V.C Summer情況進行點評,屬于個人觀點。未經授權,謝絕轉載。所有照片來自網絡,非本博主版權,僅用于分析使用,承諾不進行商業應用。